Friday, September 19, 2008

We made it through another week! I only worked 2 days last week because I took a couple of vacation days. We went to the Puyallup fair on Thursday 9/11 and had a pretty good time. The fair was pretty much the same as it is every year - same entertainers doing the same acts. The food smells so good, but is way too expensive and doesn't taste near as good as it smells. I did eat a caramel apple which was very yummy - but the caramel was so thick it was almost too much!

On Friday we spent the day at the temple for our stake temple day. It was a very sweet and fulfilling experience....I recommend visiting the temple to anyone wanting to recharge your spiritual "battery".

Tomorrow night we are planning to go to see the Shangri-la Chinese acrobats at the Auburn Performing Arts center. We joined several other couples our Empty Nesters group in buying tickets and got a 20 % discount for ordering in volume. It should be a good show, I'll try to take some pictures to post later.

Here's a picture from the flyer

I think I'm getting the hang of this blogging - I hope I can think of enough interesting things to share so you don't get bored! I'll be back!!